Find out more about how to make a complaint about a Jersey telecoms operator
If you are unhappy about goods or services you have purchased in Jersey or you think that an organisation may have breached local competition law you may want to make a complaint.
In this section you can find information about how to make a complaint about an organisation that we regulate or one that you think may have breached competition law.
We have no power to 'spot check' any organisation to ensure it is complying with the laws we are responsible for. We may only initiate a formal investigation if we have 'reasonable cause to suspect' that an organisation has breached the law or a condition if its licence. Often matters are not in the public domain, and we therefore encourage anyone suspecting that an organisation is infringing the law or licence to contact us to make a complaint. Confidentiality is assured.
Find out more about how to make a complaint about a Jersey telecoms operator
Find out more about how to make a complaint that an organisation may be breaching competition law
Find out more about how to make a complaint about a Jersey postal operator
Find out more about how to make a complaint about Ports of Jersey