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Charities we support

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Our chosen charity

We have supported various charities in the past. This year's chosen charity is Jersey Association for Youth & Friendship.

JAYF is a charity founded in 1961 in Jersey, committed to helping young people experiencing homelessness by providing safe, secure accommodation. Their vision is to eliminate youth homelessness in Jersey for 18-25 year olds. Our Case Officer, Lisa Batchelor, is currently the company secretary for JAYF.

Last year's chosen charity was the Sanctuary Trust, set up in 2011 at a former guest house in St. Aubin, a Jersey charity which supports homeless men. The original founders, a group of committed Christians and concerned parishioners in St. Brelade, were troubled by the lack of anywhere in the Island that could be identified as a sanctuary for men facing major crises in their lives. Whilst acknowledging the excellent work undertaken by other charities working with the homeless, the founders felt that something more encompassing was needed for those whose issues were more than just homelessness. 

Our team's charity support

Tim's support and fundraising

Our CEO, Tim Ringsdore, has completed the 12 Parish Sleepout in 2023, to raise awareness of the work of the Sanctuary Trust and raise funds for the charity. Tim also has an ongoing role as a Trustee of the Sanctuary Trust.

Tim is well known for undertaking personal challenges for local charities. In 2022 he walked every road in Jersey (over 700 miles) to raise funds for the JSPCA and Autism Jersey. 

Wider team actions

The team completed the Island Walk in 2023 as part of their wider fundraising efforts. Individual team members also dedicate their time and resources to different charities, for instance, by providing IT support to the Sanctuary Trust team. In 2022, Old IT and office equipment was donated to charity. 

How can I get in touch?

If you want to discuss anything about the charities we support please contact us using our email address

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