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Issue with a regulated company

If you’ve raised a complaint with a company we regulate and it hasn’t been resolved, we may be able to help.

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Why should you complain?

If you’re not happy with the service you’ve received from a regulated organisation, you have every right to complain.


Businesses need to know when their customers are not happy so they can improve their services.

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What should you do?

If you’re unhappy with the service from a regulated company, follow these steps:

  1. Contact the company directly: let them know about your issue and follow their complaints process.
  2. Come to us if needed: if the company can’t resolve your complaint, you can ask us to step in.


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What information do you need to give us?

If you need our help with your complaint, send us an email at with:

  • The name of the business who the complaint is against
  • A description of your complaint and any evidence you have (e.g. emails or contracts)
  • The company’s response, including relevant evidence
  • Why it didn’t resolve the issue for you
  • Your reasons for being dissatisfied with their response
  • Anything else you think might help, like notes from calls or letters
  • If it’s urgent, explain why
  • Let us know if you’d like to keep any details (including your name) confidential

We’ll protect your identity as much as possible, and ask for your consent before sharing it with anyone. However, in some cases your identity may be clear to the business when we inform it that we’ve received your complaint.

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What happens next?

  1. We will check the complaint: we’ll review your complaint to check if it’s something we can help with. If not, we’ll guide you to an organisation who may be able to help.
  2. If it’s in our remit: we’ll ask the company to look at your complaint again, where appropriate, seeking your permission to share relevant information and your complaint with them. Please note, we don’t handle compensation claims or act as mediators.
  3. Possible investigation: if we find there might be a legal or licence issue, we’ll take a closer look and decide if a formal investigation is needed.


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