We work to promote competition within the Jersey telecoms market and advance the interest of consumers. To support this we monitor and publish information on market developments, which allow us and other stakeholders to plan and prioritise activities that ensure continued effective competition for the benefit of consumers.
The information gathered includes both the economic impact of the telecoms market (e.g. market revenues) and the experiences of consumers (e.g. average spend). Different segments of the telecoms market are also captured, including the:
- Fixed network market
- Fixed network broadband market
- Leased line market
- Mobile market
- Off-island links
Reports are published annually for the previous year and are prepared on a pan-Channel Islands basis i.e. including the Bailiwick of Guernsey. It should be noted that information the reports contain has been received from licensed telecoms operators, who are responsible for ensuring accurate data. Also the approach to information categories may change from year-to-year, which could affect comparisons and where relevant changes in data are captured in the reports.