If you think a business or person isn’t complying with one of the laws we enforce, you can make a complaint to us.
We receive many complaints every year, so we investigate some complaints but not others. Our focus is on ensuring markets in Jersey work well.
JCRA Prioritisation Principles
We do value all complaint information and keep this information in case it may be required in a future investigation. It also helps us to decide how it can best assist businesses to understand and comply with the law.
How do I make a complaint?
We are supported by information provided by the public and businesses to help us enforce the Competition Law. If you suspect a business is infringing the law, please contact us to discuss your concerns.
We have a downloadable guide which gives more information and also explains what you need to do if you would like to make a complaint:
What to look for
There are a number of signs that may indicate a business is breaching the law. These include:
- A long standing supplier suddenly decides, for no apparent reason, to stop supplying you
- You received the same quote, or unusually similar quotes from different suppliers
- A supplier refuses to sell you the product you want unless you also buy a separate and unconnected product
- You approach a number of suppliers and find that only one is willing to supply the goods in your part of the island
- A supplier refuses to let you sell their products at a discount
- You have recently entered the market and a major competitor has responded by charging prices so low you suspect they are not covering their costs.
The fact that a business is behaving in any of these ways does not necessarily mean it has breached the law. In some cases, the behaviour in question may be a legitimate response to strong competition in the market.
What if I am not sure whether a business is breaching the law?
If you are unsure whether or not to make a complaint please contact us to discuss the matter in more detail. Our contact details can be found here
What information will I have to provide?
Once you have contacted us to discuss a complaint, we may ask you to provide us with more information.
We prefer that, whenever possible, information is provided in writing. This enables us to carry out an initial assessment of your complaint as quickly as possible.
Is my complaint confidential?
To investigate a complaint fully, we often need to reveal the information we have obtained, and the source of that information, to the business being investigated. However, we will protect your identity as far as possible, and we will get your consent before we disclose your identity to any third party.
If you consider that the information you provide might seriously damage your commercial interests if it is disclosed, you should clearly mark it as confidential, and explain to us why it should be treated as such. We do not accept blanket requests for confidentiality.
For more information on making complaints please click here