Avoiding anti-competitive behaviour
Information about the rules which apply to businesses and how to spot problems
The role of the Jersey Competition Regulatory Authority
The role of the Jersey Competition Regulatory Authority (JCRA or Authority) is to enforce the laws relating to competition in Jersey. We also regulate port operations (both air and sea ports), postal services and telecommunications.
Our aim is that markets in Jersey work efficiently in the interests of consumers, businesses and the wider Jersey economy by encouraging innovation, investment, value for money, choice and quality, making Jersey an attractive place to do business. This is to achieve our vision of healthy and sustainable markets in goods and services in Jersey.
We are an independent regulator, established by way of the Competition Regulatory Authority (Jersey) Law 2001. Funding is provided by government for work relating to the administration of competition law, subject to a Funding Agreement.
Ensuring there’s a level playing field
Open competition is good for us all, and improving compliance is vital to help protect markets in Jersey. For consumers, it can result in better quality products and services, more choice, fair prices and encourages businesses to keep innovating. This allows businesses to grow and succeed on a level playing field.
Without competition, companies have less incentive to seek to meet consumer demand, through higher prices, less choice and lower quality goods or services. This is harmful for the economy and community as a whole.
We will act to stop and prevent anti-competitive behaviour by businesses. It also aims to educate businesses to help them understand how the law affects them through published guidance.
All the complaints we receive about businesses and individuals are assessed, with a focus on reducing harm to consumers in areas where we can have the greatest impact. This includes tackling anti-competitive mergers and acquisitions, and anti-competitive practices, such as price-fixing and abusing market power.
We will use our Prioritisation Principles when making a decision on whether to open an investigation. Such consideration will include impact, strategic significance, risks and resources.
What is Jersey's Competition Law?
Your obligations as a business
There are rules in the Competition Law that apply to all aspects of the supply of goods and services in Jersey. These rules apply to an ‘undertaking’ which includes any entity engaged in economic activity, irrespective of its legal status, including companies, partners, cooperatives, States’ departments and individuals operating as sole traders.
What happens when you do not comply with the law. There are several enforcement options available to us when businesses fail to comply with the law. The action which we will take will depend on the circumstances of the case, and the attitude and responsiveness of the parties including penalties and investigation procedures.
Information about the rules which apply to businesses and how to spot problems
Information about notifying proposed mergers and acquisitions
Information about how to make a complaint
Other useful information and documents about competition law in the Channel Islands